Archive for September 2010
The instant search feature has massively changed the web in past couple of weeks. I had developed real-time Youtube instant search with Jquery and Ajax. It is very simple like my previous posts, just reading the Youtube API JSON file with Jquery. Take a look at this live demo
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Unknown
ItemReviewed: Youtube Instant Search with Jquery and Ajax
Ideologi Hacker
Inilah dunia kami.
Dunia electron dan switch, beauty of the baud.
Kalian menyebut kami penjahat??
karena kami menggunakan layanan yang sudah ada tanpa membayar, padahal layanan itu seharusnya sangat murah jika tidak dikuasai oleh orang-orang rakus!
Karena kami gemar menjelajah dan karena kami mengejar ilmu pengetahuan. Kami ada tanpa warna kulit, tanpa kebangsaan, tanpa bias agama. Tapi bagi kalian kami penjahat.
Kami adalah penjahat??
Sedangkan kalianlah yang membuat bom nuklir, mengobarkan peperangan, membunuh, berbuat curang, berbohong dan berusaha membuat kami percaya bahwa itu semua demi kebaikan kami.
Ya, aku adalah penjahat!!!
Kejahatanku adalah keingintahuanku!!
Kejahatanku adalah menilai orang berdasarkan perkataan dan pemikiran mereka, dan bukan berdasarkan penampilan mereka!!
Kejahatanku adalah menjadi lebih pintar dari kalian!!
Semua kejahatan seperti itu yang menjadi sebuah dosa yang tak bisa kalian ampuni???
Aku adalah hacker, dan inilah manifestoku. Kau bisa menghentikan satu. Tapi kau tak akan bisa menghentikan semuanya.Bagaimanapun juga, kami semua sama.
(The Mentor, 1986).
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Unknown
ItemReviewed: Ideologi Hacker
Are you looking for mobile website redirection script. Take a look at this post I want to explain how to detect mobile user agents like Android, Iphone and Blackberry. Many people are suggested to redirect with .htaccess file but I had implemented this with PHP. It is very easy just few lines of code.
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Unknown
ItemReviewed: Redirect Mobile Devices with PHP
Twitter Oauth Home Timeline Display with Jquery and PHP.
Selasa, 14 September 2010
Posted by Unknown
My previous post Connect Twitter API with OAuth using PHP. In this post I want to explain how to display Twitter Oauth home time line with Jquery and PHP. I had implemented this at it is very simple just follow this post. I hope you like this.
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Unknown
ItemReviewed: Twitter Oauth Home Timeline Display with Jquery and PHP.
How to do collapsed image with Jquery and CSS. implemented this concept while updating image scrap, the scrap shows image in collapsed style to reduce the webpage height. This is very simple script using mouseover, mouseout and css Jquery functions.
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Unknown
ItemReviewed: Collapsed Image with Jquery and CSS.
A Collection of jQuery, Ajax and PHP Tutorials with live demos, tutorials posted on 9lessons blog. In these demos I had explained about jquery connectivity with MySQL database, Ajax implementation, JSON with PHP and Animation addons to your web pages. I hope it's useful for you. Thanks!
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Unknown
ItemReviewed: jQuery and Ajax Best Demos Part-7